FAQ Help Center

Welcome to our FAQ page, where you’ll find answers to common questions about our cutting boards and services. If you need further assistance, feel free to contact us directly— we’re here to help!

Warranty Program

We offer shipping through FedEx and USPS, with expedited shipping available for in-stock products. Choose the method that best suits your needs at checkout.

Returns are accepted for unused or defective products. Please contact us within 30 days of receiving to initiate the return process and receive a refund or replacement.

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Returns & Exchanges

We only offer returns on unused or defective products. If you ordered a custom-made product it cannot be returned.

If you are unhappy with your order of in-stock products that are still sealed in the packaging, you can request a return label. The return label cost will be deducted from the refund amount.

Shipping & Recent Orders

We ship using USPS, UPS and FedEx. When we have your order packed, we will create the label. At that time our system sends an email with the carrier and tracking info.

Most of our carriers pick up around 4:00 central. When they scan the orders, the label will be updated soon after.

Most places are 3 days away. Some places may take 6 business days.

Some carriers have service 7 days a week in some locations while others may only deliver 5 days a week.

You will receive an email with the carrier and tracking info when we create the label for shipping. We only create the label when the order is ready for shipping.

Sometimes the carriers don’t update their system or someone missed a label. If the tracking has not moved for a few days, contact us and we can start investigating.